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Photography courses and workshops in Bristol
Beginners photography courses, one day photo workshops, evening classes in photography and professional photography training from my studio in Bristol. I also offer one to one mentoring to both amateur and professional photographers.
New for 2020, I am now offering photography holidays in Southern Spain! Sign up for our newsletter to keep informed of new photography courses.
Whilst I really hope it is possible to run courses again soon, until there is more safe movement of people all of my photography workshops and courses are on hold. Join our mailing list by clicking the link above to hear when they are restarted. Thankyou.

I am a trained lecturer of photography, with experience of running both photography degree programme and an A'Level in photography.
I offer photography courses in Bristol to beginners, enthusiasts and professionals. You can come and have a 1-2-1 photographic workshops in Bristol by arrangement.
Please contact me on 0117 9094503 / 07957 253840 to find out more and sign up to the newsletter below and join our Facebook page to be amongst the first to hear about new courses.
Hope to see you soon.
Morag x
Photography training courses in Bristol and Spain
Current photographic workshops and photography courses run from Morag's studio in Bristol or Casa Isadora Cave House in Southern Spain.
New for 2020, Morag will be offering a chance to join her on a photographic adventure in Southern Spain. If you have ever wanted to do a photography training course you now have the option to study with Morag in Bristol or Spain. As well as her regular photography courses and workshops based in Bristol, we offer a chance to explore hidden places and discover your passion for photography in the beautiful setting of Andalusia. Morag has created a well designed course covering portraiture, lighting, the landscape and night photography with expert tuition by award winning photographer and trained teacher of photography at Morag's cave house base in Andalusia.
Images by Annie Bates, 5 Week Beginners
SLR Photography Course

Images by Annie Bates, 5 Week Beginners SLR Photography Course.